facebook What Is On-Page SEO? A Complete Guide to On-Page SEO Optimization

What Is On-Page SEO? (What, Why and How)

| July 14th, 2023 | 4822 Views

On-Page SEO Services

On-Page SEO also known as On- site SEO is a method of enhancing the rank in the search engines by optimizing the web pages. Ensuring a higher rank or making a path for improvement in the rankings of the online business site or any website is a must as this is the only way to generate revenue. Using both on-page and off-page optimization techniques supports in moving to a higher rank.

The optimizing webpage includes several practices including content, URL, keyword, loading speed and many other that are essential in earning organic traffic & Leads. With the amazing On-page SEO techniques one can enhance the visibility of the page and even earn trustworthiness easily. There are several aspects of On-Page Optimization which are pillars on which one needs to focus on creating an amazing website.  With these factors, it becomes easy to develop the site based on user preferences.

What is On-Page SEO? 

On-page SEO (also known as on-site SEO) refers to the technique of optimizing webpages to improve a website’s search engine rankings and generate organic traffic & leads. In addition to publishing relevant, high-quality & user friendly content, on-page SEO includes optimizing your contents, heading, HTML tags (title, meta, and header tags), and images.

On-Page SEO is a marvelous technique that helps in creating an awesome website that is known for user-friendly features. In order to make the Off-Page SEO work positively one need to maintain the site appropriately, which is possible only with the key On Site SEO techniques. The warm SEO strategy with positive factors helps in earning a better rank to the respective page in the search engine. 

Why Do On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO

The basic reason for using On-Page SEO is that it owes a huge impact on the ability to improve ranking in the search engine and is useful in optimizing the content of the web page. Crawling up in the search engine ranking depends on technical excellence including setting up, quality of code, and SEO techniques stand as an aid in creating a user-friendly site.  


On-page Optimization factors you should focus

  • URL Structure
  • Canonical Tags
  • Title tag
  • Meta description
  • Heading tags
  • Alt tags
  • Content
  • Page Speed
  • Images Optimization
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Schema Tags
  • Duplicate Content

1. URL Structure

URL Structure

Universal Resource Locator mostly referred as the URL is nothing but the address on a web page. In normal words, it is the location of the specific page in the website. Changing the address causes a lot of fuss and in a few cases leads to broken links we make the page inaccessible. Structured URLs directly lead the reader to land in the correct web page and   the best way to structure URL is to include the category and keywords. With this structuring the URL lead to the specific web page and due to this it a must to have every particular appropriately. Using this structured URL, it is easy to move up in the search engine ranking, which is a must in the success of the web page.

2. Canonical Tags

Canonical Tags

The URL is essential for the success of every web page and the canonical tag specifies the source of the content. The pages with identical content is not allowed in the search engine and in order to determine the ranking canonical tags matter a lot. Using the canonical tag in the right manner prevents various problems and with this tag it is easy to locate the URL. Appearing in the search engine boost the rank drastically and as the canonical tags specifies the URL it is easy to get placed in the organic research. To gain better rank along with various benefits use the correct canonical URL and avoid the number of duplicate pages and highlight the correct one. 

3. Title tag


Title tag

The tag that belongs to the title of the page as the name suggests, is the title tag and it is mostly used by social sites and search engines. By clicking on the title tag visitors can easily land in the page and can enjoy reading the entertaining as well as engaging content. In order to grab the attention of the reader include keyword and use an accurate title for the web page as people search using the keyword. Avoid lengthy titles to the content with keywords as this creates a positive impact and allow the page to appear in the initial pages of the search engine improving the rank of the page. 

4. Meta description

Meta description

The simple way of describing the content and quality of the web page is the meta description and is one of the major SEO techniques. The web page’s meta tags describe everything about the page in an easy description in a line or two. Having the keyword in the meta description is a fair way to attract organic traffic as it is a worthy digital marketing strategy. Using a high-quality meta description which is relevant to the site it is easy to create the first impression to the visitors and turn them to be potential customers. By maintaining uniqueness posting short and informative meta description always support in building trust and make the web page grab organic traffic. 

5. Heading tags

Header tag helps SEO and even supports in organizing the content in a healthy manner as they are easily included in the content. There are various types of header tags including H1- H6, which can be used according to the format as it is all about organizing the content perfectly.  It is considered to be a good practice of including keywords in the H1 tag on the specific page. Heading tag play a major role in enhancing the rank of the site and due to this every content should catchy and proper title. When you tag the engaging content, it becomes much easy to read for the visitors as it helps in structuring the content finely. 

6. Alt tags

ALT tags are nothing but the text which is an alternative for the images which allow the easy loading of the page and these are mostly used to describe the content of the image file. The image gets delayed in loading, then the ALT tag in the left top corner of the image box reveals the content of the image. Due to this one must ensure that the tag is related to the image as this is one amazing way to load the page easily. The page gains better ranking with the appropriate alt tags to all the images as the text version of the page allows it to load faster. 

7. Keywords

Use the keywords appropriately as SEO keywords that are mostly relevant to the content are used for the research. The importance of keywords is seen in every instance of the research and these keywords are used in titles as well as page content with a good density. Including keywords in the heading is a good idea and understand on how to place them in the content. The appropriate placing of the right keywords owes a huge impact due to this maintaining good keyword density and keeping a note that they do not appear within 100-150 words of the content.  Repeated usage of the keywords owes a negative impact on the website’s look and damages the rank.

8. Content

Content is the basic feature of every page and is a crucial segment to On-page optimization. Fresh and flawless content which is free of duplication is always an asset to the page and works as a backbone. With content that drives a good amount of traffic, achieving a higher rank is not tough, and due to this makes information which is useful and valuable. In-depth and well-framed content is in great demand and make sure to use keywords with perfect density. Start working with the traffic-generating content and it is possible only when you understand the search intent. Never ignore including headings and maintain relevant information in the site which is not much lengthy. 

9. Page Speed

Page Speed

Speed is essential to get properly placed in the search engine and is a major factor of On-Page SEO services that requires attention. Not just the web page speed but one need to focus on the mobile page speed as users get bored and leave the pages that consume much time. Keep an eye on the page loading speed as it is a major ranking factor that makes you to optimize the page speed. Each page needs to be loaded in less than five seconds and one can evaluate the page load time with the page speed insights that help in understanding the speed. Maintain page speed appropriately, but understand that every page is different and requires different speeds depending on the images and other factors so first identify the web performance. 

10. Internal linking

A good link structure fulfills multiple tasks to the user as well as the search engine, but this on page optimization is to be handled with great care to earn effective results. Internal linking satisfies your requirements when they are structured appropriately due to which one need to pay extra attention. By clicking on the internal links, it takes to the page and there is a limit that nearly 100 internal links can be linked to the web page but not more. Irrespective of the size of the web page one can easily use the internal links and it is necessary to use the same keyword to crawl up in the search engine ranking.

11. Images Optimization

Images are extremely necessary in the overall improvement if the website and due to this every online web page shows quality interest in using image files with customized names. Along with the unique keywords, one must always pay extra interest to the images that are used in the content, and image optimization is a marvelous SEO strategy. Using the original images with amazing quality owes a huge impact due to which it is a must to pick the compress the right image. As the image format and quality make the page loads in time it is necessary to test the speed of the page and then use the image formats that increase the ranking in search engines. 

12. Mobile-friendliness

Mobile Friendly

Mobile is the most used gadget in the present scenario and people started using their mobile phone to complete several tasks. Mobile searches are increasing day by day and due to this there is a need to create a mobile-friendly page to complete several tasks. Mobile-friendliness increases the ranking of your page, but it is a must to update it regularly as this is one of the effective SEO techniques Starting from the mobile site check the content format, images, layout and every particular and include all attributes that ensure a friendly user platform. Make your website mobile-friendly by testing the site thoroughly and optimizing the page according to the need and maintaining a better rank. 

13. Schema Tags

Schema Tags

The latest yet the most powerful SEO optimization strategy is Schema Tags as this boosts the website rank drastically. With the schema markup, it is simple to get the content indexed and present it in a different as well as a catchy manner. With interesting vocabulary, turning the data to be an enhanced description helps your website to rank better than the present state. It is suitable to all types of content and definitely useful for book reviews, local businesses, articles, and many more web pages that are looking for perfection. With easy steps using the markup tools is easy and one can highlight the content which is an advantage to the website and helps in winning the competition. 

14. Duplicate Content

Yes, content is very crucial for every website and in order to crawl up in the search engine it is a must to have fresh content. The duplicate content affects negatively and ruins the rank of the website. Due to this avoid posting similar content which harms the ranking of the website and check for duplicate content thoroughly. Update the website with content that is not duplicated as this do not cause any kind of damage to the search engine ranking and grabs the attention of the visitors. Appearing in the initial pages of the search results is possible with unique content and using the specific keywords that satisfy the search intent. 

How to Review your on-page optimization done properly?

It is important to gain maximum exposure in the search engine and the best SEO services practices are essential in moving up in the ranking. 

  • The website with brilliant content is necessary and is the only way to better rank in the search engine and it is necessary to make sure that there is no copied images, text. 
  • With exclusive content and related keywords make sure that it is completely unique and fresh. 
  • Include H1 tag and use the heading appropriately.
  • Optimizing images and other interesting factors always stand as an added asset to the web page. 
  • With internal links and finely structured URLs crawl up in the search engine as it is important to make the website popular. 
  • Never ignore comments and beautify the page with the reviews making the page mobile-friendly.

When the on-page optimization is done properly it brings amazing organic traffic to the site and the results will never disappoint irrespective of the size of the business.

On-Page vs Off-Page – Check the Difference 

Both On-page and Off-page SEO are essential in earning a better search engine ranking and success is measured by the amount of organic traffic to the site. Page ranking can be improved with the combination of high-quality On-Page and Off-Page techniques. 

On-page SEO factors include flawless content, relevant keywords, internal linking, meta descriptions and various tags that create a huge impact on the ranking. Handling every particular carefully and by making fresh content that is not duplicated every site earns preferred exposure in the search engine. 

Off-Page SEO factors work efficiently only when the website have specific On-Page SEO techniques. Starting from the backlinks, digital marketing, social network promoting allows the page to appear in the initial page of the research and improve search engine ranking. Social networking promotes all the web pages which are of good quality, so maintain the website in an appropriate manner. 

Get Help from On-Page SEO Specialist

When you are looking to earn a better ranking with the On-Page SEO techniques then it is necessary to seek the support of reliable SEO Company that follows a specific strategy in working with the site as they create efficient solutions according to the need. 

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