facebook Re-Optimize Your Old Content and Drive More Traffic

Re-Optimize Your Old Content and Drive More Traffic

| June 26th, 2019 | 2622 Views

If you are operating on the B2B landscape, content marketing will certainly not be a new word to you. From big businesses to SMEs, content marketing emerges as one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for one and all.

How about checking out a few stats in this context?

If profound market statistics are anything to go by, then content marketing is used by nearly 88% of marketers operating in the B2B arena. Another data states that almost every ingenious B2B marketer allocates a chunk of their marketing budget, say approximately 42%, to content marketing.

Now, these reports speak a lot about the unparalleled significance of content marketing in digital advertising. And it’s here that some of the most crucial aspects pop up.

Knowing the Important Factors

Content marketing involves two highly crucial processes. The first one is known as content creation, and the second one deals with content publishing and distribution.

And there is more to the story.

Apart from content creation and distribution, content optimization also emerges as one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. If you are a website owner, content optimization must be amongst your prime responsibilities.

However, you will need to know what types of contents are capable of making news, as they will be the ones generating the maximum buzz.

High-quality content must be engaging, entertaining, educational, informative, as well as original. And if it is thought-leading and fresh, then there’s nothing like it. In spite of that, time will arrive when your existing contents will fail to drive traffic to your website.

Under such circumstances, a majority of web marketers will think of creating entirely new contents. However, there’s a better solution. Re-optimization will be the key to making your underperforming contents generate a huge buzz.

Ways for Content Re-Optimization

If you truly wish to enhance the performance of your contents, here’s a short guide.

1. Include Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are highly specific. As the result, search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter, Reddit, and others find it easier to crawl your web pages. Other than that, long-tail keywords are also capable of generating huge organic traffic, almost 75% compared to 18.5% of search traffic.

And that’s what makes long-tail keywords easy-to-rank too.

2. Powerful Headlines

As one of the leading global search engines, Google considers at least 200 factors while determining its ranking algorithm. And powerful and attractive headlines happen to be amongst those highly crucial elements.

Therefore, it becomes imperative to include power words and phrases to your content headlines. Visitors will stop their current activities, and start reading your blog at once. That will inevitably result in increased click-through rates.

3. Creating Persuasive Meta-Description

Developing a keyword-rich, compelling, and persuasive Meta description might just turn out to be the best way of performing content re-optimization. Take care to create descriptions sharing a smooth flow with your original copy.

Concluding Thoughts

While performing content re-optimization, your target and emphasis should be towards answering users’ questions. Meaningful, informative, and engaging contents will always do their bit towards driving more traffic to your website.

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